Saturday, January 23, 2016

Inappropriate Songs to Sing at the Workplace, back again!

If you are like me, you live in a little world where there is theme music to your life. The music sets the pace, the mood, the amount I accomplish in a day, or the amount I do not accomplish depending on the day. There is always music.

My brain radio has been set on shuffle lately, with, unfortunately,songs I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Not just MacArthur Park: There are other Very Horrible songs out there. Honest!

Take this song, for instance. I had years of blissfully not remembering this song only to have it turn up, volume high, one morning on the way to work. Do you remember this? You admit it??? I guess I did like it, when I was about 9 or so years old. But, what creepy lyrics!

Of course, the internet doesn't help much at all. I found this gem a few years ago; love it. I still  love Tom Jones.  You have to admit that this is way better than his cover of Prince's song "Kiss"! (ooo scary!)

While looking up songs to include in this post, I actually found some songs that would be totally appropriate to sing at my workplace, which happens to be a medical practice. Like this one and this one.  Very helpful, these medical training songs!

Where would we be without music?

Let me leave you with a very appropriate song to enjoy life to. Watch this video, just see if you don't feel something good from it. Something joyful.