Saturday, July 19, 2014

Gwen Frostic

A Walk With Gwen: Help save Gwen Frostic's studio in Benzie County, Michigan

 There are animal tracks in the floor. The rocks that form the walls have colored glass, an unexpected spot of light here and there. The printing presses beat out a rhythm that sounds like a giant's heartbeat. There are so many stories this building could tell if it were able to speak. And Gwen designed it.
Gwen was someone who never believed she couldn't do something. She was an artist with many media, mostly known for her block prints of wildlife. She was also a sculptor and an engineer, and was known world-wide. She has been gone some time now, but I will never forget her.
I am so familiar with the shop, the roundhouse, the printing presses and the back room where Mom and the rest of the "back room gang" sorted, packaged, and mailed the paper products. There is no place like Gwen Frostic's studio, no matter how hard you look.
Please consider helping save this treasure. Thank you.

Please visit this web site. There is an awesome quilt being raffled off made with blocks of Gwen's art!

Gwen Frostic, herself

Monday, July 14, 2014

Enough Already!

Just last week on Facebook I had a rant. Surprising, isn’t it?
Disapproving Linette disapproves
I had just chosen to watch a video that a friend posted. Curiosity killed the cat, and so on. It was a video of a prank gone badly wrong that ended apparently with a girl’s death. I didn’t have the sound on, and didn’t really examine this too closely. The images haunt me, real or not real.
Last summer, I blocked a friend from my Facebook because of a photo he shared. It was titled something like “payback is hell” and allegedly showed a terrorist with his head blown off.  I didn’t have to click on this photo nor did I have to click on a different one showing a terrorist with gory trophies. The images cannot be unseen.
I am an adult and am fully aware that all is not good in this world of ours. I am not being Pollyanna, not wearing a blindfold. My Dad, Father-in-law, and brother served in active duty army. I have friends coping with battle-scarred spouses or family members. I saw 9/11 happen on that beautiful clear blue day. I have friends and family who have been victims of abuse, rape, and ignorance. I have lost friends to suicide and drunk driving and drugs. My own little town, in the smallest county of our state, is rampant with meth houses and heroin overdoses and more horrors than I thought possible.
So, what is my beef?
I don’t want to see these images. I don’t believe that everyone should see these images. A friend says, ok then, don’t look.  Well! That is a great idea! Only, it is on my thing where I see everyone’s post, right next to the cute pet photos and new baby photos. It is not something to click on and go to for the most part, it is just RIGHT THERE. In color no less. Or someone clicks and shares something without even reading it through, tagging me and voila! It is on MY wall.
My cousin says, “I am a victim of abuse, and your other cousin and I were almost killed by our spouses. We are sharing information so that no one else has to go through what we went through.” I am good with that. I want abuse stopped. Child abuse, too, I want that stopped. Let’s get serious on fighting drug abuse in our neighborhoods. With this information, let’s put up help lines and solutions and not just replay the violence for someone (and you know someone will) to get their jollies from!
If there is one thing that has been proven to me it is that nothing ever goes away on the internet. How many years will we see that same email, that same image of clouds, that same urban myth?
Way back in time, I remember my Grandmother saying “It’s on the TV, it must be true.” There are less ways of validating things now, even in the age of information, than there ever has been before. I had relied on Snopes, but then someone pointed out to me that Snopes is just a man and a woman, and how do you know that they aren’t biasing their reports?
It is kind of funny, in a way. I see these photos of real things and people are screaming they are photoshopped, fraud. Then there is something like a ghost or an angel or an alligator on the North Pole and everyone is on board, how awesome! Here is real proof! The moon shots were not real. But, Chupacabras are. You get my drift.
We human beings are a funny and perverse lot.
Ok, really, this is what is steaming me. Facebook is a social network. There are people of all ages on Facebook. All ages. Are these images appropriate for children to look at? Would you show your grandparent or parent? I guess I am showing my age by being such a prude, but really, would you?
I have the same beef with people talking loudly on their cell phones. Somehow, they think that being on a cell phone in a public area still is like being in a private phone booth. They are shouting out the results of their lab that shows STDs or talking about how Billy smacked Sally so hard that her eye popped out or other equally appropriate chatter. They wonder why they get dirty looks.
I am also steamed that Facebook is a political platform. Isn’t it bad enough that you can’t even get away from political adds at the movies anymore? Or any adds for that matter. We have freedom of speech, but I often feel like there isn’t much freedom when things are being force-fed to you.
One more thing? Hackers. Hackers just really tick me off. Are people so bored that this is a good thing to do with their time? Steal someone’s face and name to spread your brand of filth? Come on, now. Will you people just get a life already!
Relax! Take it easy. Breath deep, one two…
Ok. I guess the ultimate think I am angry about is courtesy. Consideration. Think before you click share. Don’t believe everything you see. Check it out, make sure it is true.
And just like Thumper’s father says in Bambi…..If you can't say someting nice....