Saturday, July 19, 2014

Gwen Frostic

A Walk With Gwen: Help save Gwen Frostic's studio in Benzie County, Michigan

 There are animal tracks in the floor. The rocks that form the walls have colored glass, an unexpected spot of light here and there. The printing presses beat out a rhythm that sounds like a giant's heartbeat. There are so many stories this building could tell if it were able to speak. And Gwen designed it.
Gwen was someone who never believed she couldn't do something. She was an artist with many media, mostly known for her block prints of wildlife. She was also a sculptor and an engineer, and was known world-wide. She has been gone some time now, but I will never forget her.
I am so familiar with the shop, the roundhouse, the printing presses and the back room where Mom and the rest of the "back room gang" sorted, packaged, and mailed the paper products. There is no place like Gwen Frostic's studio, no matter how hard you look.
Please consider helping save this treasure. Thank you.

Please visit this web site. There is an awesome quilt being raffled off made with blocks of Gwen's art!

Gwen Frostic, herself

1 comment:

  1. Thank you to everyone who has responded to Gwen Frostic's plea for help! Things are looking up for the repairs to be done and for Gwen's wonderful art to continue.
