Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Power of Music

“The rhythm of life is a powerful beat, puts a tingle in your fingers and a tingle in your feel, a rhythm on the inside, a rhythm on the street: The rhythm of life is a powerful beat”
Sweet Charity, Rhythm of Life.
Yesterday, our community bid good-bye to a man who had a huge impact on many lives, a teacher, a musician, a minister in many ways. Robert Fisher has closed the keyboard for the last time here, in this place, anyway. In the photo displays put up to celebrate his life, I found a photo with me in it. I saw a really skinny young man with a huge bassoon at the Interlochen Bowl, I believe. I saw brothers together over the years. The rumpled hair and broad smile over the years. The spark in the eyes, mischief and pure joy of life.

The influence of music is universal. Music is spoken worldwide but with different dialects. It can create, unite, divide, soothe or cause fear. It is a language that is mathematical and factual as well as being emotive and fantastic.

I have been so privileged in my life to have such wonderful and extensive exposure to music, theory, and the power of song. I may joke about inappropriate songs to sing at work, but the plain truth is music is so powerful and so deeply absorbed. It can be healing, soothing. 

Please enjoy some of the music that Mr Fisher had introduced to us choir kids over the years, and think about music that has meaning in your lives.  

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