Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Lifeline Screening

I have been aware of Lifeline Screening for some time now. At first I pictured it for the Medicare crowd only, but now I believe it is a service that anyone could and should take advantage of. And so, today, I did go in for screening while they were here in Frankfort, Michigan.

My Dad had heart attacks starting in his early twenties and ended up having bypass surgery in 1977, when it was still new and almost theoretical. He had eight bypasses. My siblings have all three, suddenly in a very short time frame of each other, had heart issues and have had stents put in. My closest brother had bypass surgery, nothing like Dads, but still scary. My grandparents on my mother's side suffered from Diabetes and stroke. My sister has diabetes. Mom's cholesterol levels were always sky high. She had bone issues from childhood on. 

We are a genetic walking time bomb.

I am pretty  healthy except for weight issues and some structural problems. (A bum shoulder and a really bad Achilles heel problem with bone fragments.) I didn't smoke in spite of attempting to a time or two. I don't drink much anymore. Genetically, I am inclined to alcoholism and don't have time nor money for it. Mental health is pretty good too, now a days. I am post menopausal, so yes, I am somewhat emotional and depressed. My husband doesn't quite get why I am a little obsessive about heart issues. All testing I have had done previously (stress tests, EKGs) have been fine. 

I figure better safe than sorry.

So when a letter from Lifeline came in my mail I wanted to get these tests done that no way could I afford otherwise. For under $400.00, I could get bone density, carotid artery and abdominal aorta ultrasound, testing for atrial fibrillation, peripheral artery disease, c-reactive protein screening and even glucose screening. 

If nothing else, these tests will provide a baseline in my medical history. 

I had to fast, no big deal. Comfortable loose clothing was requested to be worn. I arrived early, was processed quickly having pre-registered and prepaid the testing over the phone. The crew of ladies I met were very nice and very professional and quick. 

It will be a little while for the results to come back to me, but over all I am satisfied with the experience. I recommend this screening opportunity to you for its cost effectiveness and availability and thoroughness. 

In past medical positions, I have seen people come in either immediately from Lifeline Screening events with medical concerns that needed addressed ASAP, or with results that give their physician a leg up in providing good treatment plans for them. If you have not considered it, maybe take a look at it for yourself. If your family history is like mine, this is a great tool to evaluate your health.

Here is some information from Lifeline Screenings website

Available screenings:

Testosterone Deficiency Screening
Vitamin D Screening
Heart Disease Screening
Congestive Heart Failure Screening
Carotid Artery Disease Screening
High Cholesterol Screening/Lipid Panel Test
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Screening
Atrial Fibrillation Screening
C-Reactive Protein Screening
Lung Cancer Screening
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening
Health Risk Assessment - 6 for Life
Type 2 Diabetes Screening
Osteoporosis Screening/Bone Density Test
Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening
Elevated Liver Enzymes Screening
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Screening
High Blood Pressure
Prostate Cancer Screening
Thyroid Disease Screening
Colorectal Cancer Screening

1 comment:

  1. I got the results from my screening, and there are a couple of things I need to watch out for: Some irregularity in the carotid artery on my right side, irregularity in one of the labs, and of course, the obvious problems of my weight and age. I am relieved by most of the findings, and am happy that I took advantage of being seen by Lifeline Screening.
