Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Inappropriate Songs to Sing at the Workplace, Second Verse

“Great big gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts…”(lyrics)

I almost sang that out loud at work. My brain radio throws up some crazy music without warning and fully prepared for me to be singing out loud with. The other day had Gilbert and Sullivan ( The Nightmare Song) running rampant in my brain. On yet another day, I had Salt and Peppa’s “Let’s Talk About Sex” in my mind. (Salt N Peppa)
Which cues this next thought: I remember the first time I saw a little kid of about three or four singing George Michaels “I Want Your Sex” and dancing to it, just like she knew what she was singing. I was kind of shocked by this!The problem is, the song is fun and has a good beat. It gets wedged in your head. (I will bet you are singing it right now!) Mind you, there are worse songs, lyrically, on those Kids Bop collections.( 8 Worst Kidz Bop Songs)

(Good gravy. Just because I said the song had a good beat, I now have the theme to American Bandstand playing in my head. Thanks, Barry Manilow.) (American Bandstand Theme)

Beyonce’s “Put a Ring on It” is another one that kids seem to really jam to. There are babies in videos online just jamming down to this song, which is kind of fun. Even the spoofs are worth watching for a good belly laugh.(single ladies baby dancing)
But to hear the song is to watch the video for me, and I just can’t get my head around all that dancing in high heels with bathing suits on. Not just cause I am jealous of those women who both can wear high heels and look awesome in one piece suits, either.

Work doesn’t help either. Sometimes hold music is pretty drowsy stuff. Today I heard a song about chickens. Yep, chickens. Done to a swinging 40’s beat. I was amazed to be able to complete the call coherently, it took me so by surprise.(The Chicken Song)

My husband, bless his heart (and I mean that in a truly southern way), can burst out with C.W. McCall songs and be able to sing every single word; intonation, innuendo, and all. I am not just talking about “Convoy” and “Wolf Creek Pass” either. And he does sing every word.(CJ 5)

The other day at work when the radio was quiet, he broke out loudly and proudly with “Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog.” The people all around him fell over in awe.  Or was that ow? One thing we both learned in choir is how to project, and that boy can out project a Broadway singer. (Joy to the World)

The problem is, music gets in to the brain and it stays there. It is hard to not hear music, especially if it is an annoying song that you never want to hear again, ever. Like, oh, “McArthur Park.” I so very much hate that song. Why is the cake so traumatically important? Who cares about the cake? Non-the-less, in my brain radio, that despicable song lives on. (Very Dreadful Song)

Great. Now I have the theme to Dispicable Me in my mind. Wait, I like that song! (Dispicable Me)

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