Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Delays and Bad Allignment

I truly did intend to put up a new blog post yesterday. I had my computer with me, notes and everything. The only thing I did not seem to have was the power cord to my laptop. This is a huge problem because my laptop battery stopped holding a charge a few years ago. No cord, no power. 

And then, I was driving home, minding my own business when I heard a peculiar sound that boded ill. It was like a very fast floppity floppity floppity floppitiy… you get the idea. Flat tire. Very flat tire. And it was less than six months old!  So, I called my husband and told him I would be late. Then I called AAA. Then I waited.

The tow truck came and the very nice gentleman removed the tire, noticing that before he loosened the bolts, the tire was wobbling freely.  That is not a good thing. Then he removed the tire, which looked brand new from the outside, and showed me the inside. 

We both were amazed that I had made it this far on a tire that badly worn down.

After he put the donut on (you know, that ridiculous looking thing they call a spare tire these days) he walked around to the driver’s side and tried to wiggle that wheel. It wiggled. Then he had me turn the steering wheel out so the inside tread showed. It was wearing down in the same way.  Crud! The very nice tow truck driver debated whether I should drive home or not. We decided I could if I went straight home.  

So, what happened?

Last fall, before the snow began, I was driving home from work. I must have had something on my mind. I blew through what is normally a busy intersection, totally missing the stop sign that I would normally obey without a second thought. The road I went over had a raised center which effectively became a ramp. My little car and I did a “Dukes of Hazard” and flew. 

I have been more scared in my life, but not by much. 

Going airborne without expecting it was one thing, doing it when there was not traffic on a busy intersection was quite another.  Apparently, it did a number on the ball joints, otherwise known as the thingummy-dojigs. It could have been a problem that existed before this happened, but I am willing to bet this had some effect.

How did that happen?

Well, I blame menopause. Sometimes, my mind just goes blank. I look at a traffic light and I see the color, but forget what the heck that particular color means. I think it started with the walking into a room and totally forgetting what I was going in there for. Then it evolved to forgetting how to tell time, literally forgetting how to read a clock. It really is frustrating!

Anyone else finding out that menopause packs unexpected wallops? Feel free to share your horror stories here. 

Meanwhile, I am so glad to be well, safe, and in one piece after such a harrowing experience. And the little car will be back on the road in just a few more days.


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