Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Spring is coming, right?

After a second day of surprise snow, I am longing for spring. Mushroom hunting, walks on the beach, warm weather, sunshine. Sounds really good, right?
The thing is, while many of us want to be outdoors enjoying wholesome activities, there is a growing number of people who are messing all of us up by making meth and tossing the waste alongside roads and in the woods.
I am sharing a couple of things on this post in order to increase awareness of what the waste looks like and how to avoid harm.

MDOT has this awesome post:

Bulletin: Beware Meth Lab Waste

Volunteers who clean up roadside litter are being urged to watch for potentially toxic debris discarded from methamphetamine labs.
Meth is a highly addictive stimulant that can be made using household chemicals and equipment and common cold remedies containing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine.
Clean-up crews who come across materials used to make the drug can be burned, or their lungs damaged from inhaling fumes. If you encounter any of the signs of a meth lab, leave the area immediately and call MDOT or the police. Do not touch anything if you suspect it may be meth lab waste. The waste can be extremely dangerous and may even be booby-trapped. Entire labs can be found in tool boxes, coolers, or other storage containers. Mobile meth labs are becoming more common. Labs are sometimes run out of car trunks and RVs.
Clues indicating a dumpsite include:
  • empty bottles attached to a rubber hose,
  • the smell of ammonia,
  • coffee filters stained red or containing a white powder residue.
  • garbage bags with cat litter (can contain deadly gases and are sometimes called "death bags
  • corroded propane tanks
  • empty or used alcohol products
  • numerous empty cold medicine and diet pill bottles or blister packs
  • unused matches without striker plates.
(A printer-friendly version of this warning and list is available.)
Don't try to remove unknown or suspected toxic substances. Notify MDOT or the police of the location of these items immediately.

Meth lab waste is very serious. Your safety comes first!

Be careful out there, everyone. 

Related Content
 •  Safety Guidelines for the Adopt-A-Highway Program
 •  Safety Brochure PDF icon,4616,7-151-9621_11041_14408-29269--,00.html

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