Monday, May 12, 2014


I was working away, unaware that the song that was stuck in my head was becoming the song I was humming. It was a good day, and the music was a fun little rhythmic piece. It didn’t seem odd at all. I kept quietly be-bopping in my seat until all at once I opened my mouth to sing the chorus. I then realized that I was on the verge of singing an inappropriate song at my workplace. What song?

None other than “Stroke Me” by Billy Squires.

Music has a way of sneaking into life. It doesn’t care if it is appropriate or not, sacred or profane. Any given day I have traditional hymns, choir pieces, opera, country, rap, rock, commercials and TV show theme songs all running through my head, adding to my feeble attempts at creating my own music. Add something like the Internet, and it becomes amazing how much of this stuff can stay captive inside without something breaking loose.  (I don’t think I am alone in this.)

But, why is it the most annoying and evil songs get so firmly stuck in the brain and need desperate measures to get them out?  Like “Midnight at the Oasis” or (ewww! Urgh!) “MacArthur Park or the new commercial with the Muppets in it. I still have cigarette commercials in my brain, for pity’s sake! How long has it been since they were pulled off the air?

Take the Captain Kangaroo theme song. I loved Captain Kangaroo, loved the show, and never missed out on Ping-Pong balls or the sweeping up of the spotlight. But, after one day of hearing it over and over again from a co-worker, the song became equal to nails on a black board.

It could be worse.


There are lots of silly songs out and about that still niggle their way into my brain radio. My brother, God bless him, introduced me to Frank Zappa and Cheech and Chong (just typing their names turns on “Basketball Jones.”) My dad had Homer and Jethro on record, they of the “May the bird of paradise fly up your nose” fame. One of my first records was “Gimme Dat Thing”. They don’t make silly songs like they used to. Now there is only some song about taking “Selfies”.  “Cotton Eye Joe” maybe? Nah, too old.

Well, now, if you haven’t found a familiar tune to be stuck with, allow me to help you. How about the theme from the Andy Griffith show? The Jeopardy tune for when they are putting in their final answers? Is anyone else trying to get “Billy, Don’t be a Hero” out of their minds? I have been trying for years!

Well, have a good day, and don't forget to share your most annoying song with someone you care for, just like I did!


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