Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday Funnies

Ah, Sunday mornings. Here I am with my love, reading the funnies just like old times. Just because they are online and not in print in this particular instance doesn't much change things, although I do miss the sound of shaking out the newspaper and turning the pages.

I have always loved to read the comics. There is something encouraging about them, like spring flowers and the smell of fresh ground coffee. Silly or serious, they help keep me grounded.

My favorites right now include Crankshaft, Arlo and Janis, Baby Blues, Zits, Archie, Luann. I remember spending time reading Prince Valient, Dondi, Brenda Star, Dick Tracy, and of course L'il Abner and Snuffy Smith. Almost forgot Little Orphan Annie. It was easy to get caught up in the serial stories and very hard to wait for Dad to finish with the newspaper so we kids could have a chance.

Some times the funnies are sad. There have been a few series stories in the For Better or For Worse comics that made me cry: Farley's death is one. Michael's love story. The grandfather's elopement. Luann stepped up with some good ones too: Delta's bout with Hodgkin's Lymphoma, the evil boss stories both at Bernice's job and then at Weenie World. Art imitates life.

When was the last time you read Sunday Funnies? Look up some of your old favorites, I bet you can find them. Go get a chuckle and I bet your day will go a little better.  Some of the old ones are archived and available. Go and see!

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