Friday, May 2, 2014

Male Menopause??? (This one is for the boys)

 This is Tom.

Tom is a big,strong fellow. He can toss car engines off the back of his truck. He chases bears wearing shorts and flip-flops. He has flown a plane, jumped from a moving car, kicked a basketball net with a martial arts move, rebuilt motor cycles and cars including a MGTD kit car. He can scuba dive and make tomahawks. He is a manly man.

Tom was noticing changes in his behavior, desires, and activity level.  He was getting really, really cranky and he felt weak and ineffective. He didn’t have any sex drive. He was gaining weight, especially around his belly.  He later told me that he felt like he  was dieing.

Tom saw something on TV that caught his attention talking about these things as symptoms. After researching a little, Tom did something very shocking.
Most men would rather stick their heads in a dinosaur's mouth than go to the doctor.
Why do men hate to go to the doctor?
             Because they don’t have time with their schedules.
                                 Because they see it as a waste of time.
   Because they are scared of what might be found.
                                 Because what they don’t know can’t hurt them.
                                                   Because it is a sign of weakness

  Because they are men, that’s why! Men will find their own way.

But Tom went and learned that his testosterone levels were REALLY LOW!  Normal levels run between 180-780. Tom’s levels were at 185.2. So , the doctor prescribed Testosterone injections. He got his first shot, and waited just a little while……
Until the animal in him came back! 

It all comes down to hormones.  Androgens, or male hormones include the following: 
Testosterone: A steroid sex hormone responsible for the growth and development of masculine characteristics. It is converted to DHT (Bigger and badder testosterone) Dihydro-testosterone, 3 times as potent as Testosterone itself.

Sometimes, especially in fat cells, testosterone can be converted into estrogen.

Thyroid: TSH. There is a decrease in the circulating amounts of thyroid hormones, which shows as decreased energy, metabolism, and smarts

DHEA, DHEA-S: Dehydroepiandrosterone, promoted as an anti-aging, anti-cancer, and anti-atherosclerosis agent by alternative medicine proponents

Cortisol: When too much cortisol is secreted due to stress, the man feels fatigued, tired.

Androstenedione is what testosterone was before it became testosterone. Some athletes use it to boost performance or increase body bulk.

Androgens are known to affect muscle, bone, the CNS, prostate, bone marrow, and sexual function.

Do men and women face the same kind of changes?

*The end cycle of sexual reproduction
*Hormonal changes run amuck
*Body changes
*Hot flashes
*Mood swings (sometimes extreme)
*Mental health changes
*Bone density changes
*Night sweats
*Memory loss

*Not the end of sexual reproduction
*Hormonal changes run amuck
*Body changes
*Hot flashes
*Mood swings (sometimes extreme)
*Mental health changes
*Bone density changes
*Night sweats
*Memory loss

Well, yes, but the closest thing to male menopause is more emotional than physical. It is sometimes referred to as a mid-life crisis. A long-time happily married man suddenly finds someone else and divorces his wife, a practical man buys a sports car. He may feel like a loser, someone who spends time looking at the coulda-shoulda-woulda’s, wondering if this is all there is.

What is a man to do?

Go to the doctor. Ask about the symptoms. Get a physical exam and ask your doctor to order tests to rule out medical problems that may be contributing to the condition, including  blood tests, which may include measuring the testosterone levels. Then listen to the doctor.

Lifestyle changes can get results.Quit smoking: Erectile dysfunction is mainly caused by hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Change dietary habits: Gaining fat around the belly can be a sign of impending diabetes.Get some exercise: The body is designed to move. Ride bike, play golf, go fly fishing. Become  a scout master and go camping with the kids. Play softball. Make sure to do something enjoyable to combat depression and sadness. Do stuff with your hands. Build a car, do woodwork, go do some of the things that were put off like learn to scuba dive or fly a plane. Pick up the musical instrument you used to play and re-learn it.

Hormone replacement therapy can make a difference for some men.There are many forms of Testosterone replacement, including injections, patches, gels, and implants. Oral forms of testosterone are not advised due to negative effects on the liver. If a man chooses gels or patches, they need to be careful not to expose their wife or children to it.
Positive results from testosterone replacement therapy include improved sexual and erectile function, improved mood, body composition and strength, bone density, cardiovascular system, memory and mental sharpness. It sounds like a win-win. But, there are reasons not to get testosterone replacement  therapy.

Testosterone can make hormonally sensitive cancers grow more rapidly. It is important to know if there is a history of prostate cancer or breast cancer: If there is, do not use testosterone. Other potential issues include: Fluid retention, liver toxicity, fertility issues, sleep apnea, tender breasts on men, and increased red blood cell concentration.
What have we learned?

Male menopause is a misnomer
Hormones drive everyone crazy
Symptoms are there to get attention
Going to the doctor helps to make sure of what the problem is.
Life is worth living well

and, Tom is a happier and healthier guy!

1 comment:

    This showed up today, so I thought it would be a good thing to share.
